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Natural Tampico Fiber

from $29.99

Natural Tampico Fiber is sold in 10 lb increments. The fiber has a soft to medium texture ideal for brush making. Available in 3”, 9.5”, 11”, and 14”. (9.5” and 11” Tampico is discounted due to being old stock.)

This fiber makes excellent brush fiber for sweeping and scrubbing. It is flexible enough to be bent in half and staple set making it ideal for brushes.

It is from cactus known by its common name, lxtle. The Agave Lechugilla plant is unique to northern Mexico where it only grows in the high altitude deserts. After the cactus leaf is harvested the fibers inside the leaf are extracted, dried, and processed to length.

Other lengths are available between 3” and 13" upon request. Full carton orders of 55 lbs or more are eligible for bulk discounts.

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